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The Art of Living

Writer's picture: Stephanie CostantinoStephanie Costantino

It was a large inoperable tumor and getting more painful with each passing week. I was living in an office space. (that may actually constitute "homelessness"(?) :) Although rather fascinating, I'll save the details of that predicament for another day. Suffice it to say, my 53rd birthday in the year of seeing clearly (2020), I was a despondent mess of a human.

Hitting Rock Bottom

Despairing of life and crying my eyes out to God, I stumbled upon a YouTube preacher that literally changed my perspective. So completely set in my ways and rather brainwashed to reject all things "word of faith", my "traditions of man" or "religion" (whatever you may want to call it) had led me to ignore a whole host of scriptures that didn't jive with my life, like, "His divine nature has given [ME] all things pertaining to life and godliness..." and, "nothing shall be impossible to him that believes". I knew they MUST be true, because, I mean, they're in the Bible, right?? So, they HAVE TO BE TRUE. ....ignore, ignore, ignore.

Born Again......Again??

Then, suddenly, within the scope of an hour, this man tied all those hard to handle verses together in a neat and tidy little package that made more sense of the Bible than I'd previously ever known in my 42 years with Jesus. When that hour was done, though I still had the tumor, though I still lived in an office space, the dark abyss in my mind was gone! Joy flooded me in an instant! ...I was TRANSFORMED.

Now THIS is Living

I could literally go on and on regarding all the many facets of impact that this had on

EVERY aspect of my life, but, for now I will leave you with this - First and foremost, I am not an artist, nor a wife, nor a mother of four, nor a cancer survivor, nor a whistle blower. I am a daughter of the Most High and Living God and I dwell in a kingdom not made with hands. Over the months and years that followed, He became my inhale and exhale, my inexplicable joy and peace, my daily provision, abundance, my prosperity and my healing, and all through simply seeing things from another angle that I would never previously allow myself the benefit of seeing. I thank God that He works all things for my good (evil stuff too, like cancer and racketeering mobs (yep, I've got stories ;) ...and that Jesus is always "YES"!

Speak it Out

But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."

Romans 10:8-11


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